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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"I am Tom Brady" - Tom Brady Is Spartacus After Deflate Gate

"I am Tom Brady" - Tom Brady Is Spartacus After Deflate Gate - Video

"I am Tom Brady" - Tom Brady Is Spartacus After Deflate Gate It was announced today that sales of Tom Brady's #12 New England Patriots Jersey spiked 100 percent in the wake of Deflate Gate. So, with that news, I immediately thought "Wow. Tom Brady has become Spartacus." And my next move was to search for that famous scene from "Spartacus" and the rest is history. What I mean when I say "There's a little Tom Brady in all of us," is that we all make mistakes and we also can be heroes. Visit our blog Zennie62.com here: http://ift.tt/1d6iMwr


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